La Lumaca Bobbiese

The Lumaca Bobbiese farm, founded in 2019, is situated at Casa Brugnelli in the municipality of Bobbio, PC. Its primary focus is on snail farming, catering to both gastronomic needs and the extraction of slime for cream production. Additionally, the farm cultivates lavender, not only as an environmentally sustainable practice for bee repopulation but also for the extraction of essential oil.”

Why it is in The Green Circle

The use of snail slime as a key ingredient in face creams dates back to ancient times, spanning thousands of years. The therapeutic properties of this natural element are universally recognized, supporting age-old traditions of processing and safeguarding local peculiarities, all while fully respecting the involved animal species. This ingredient, both ancient and ultra-modern, enables a reduction in chemical content in the cosmetic industry, paving the way for new forms of agriculture that are simple, respectful, and have an extremely low environmental impact.
SDGs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15.

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