Experience box

69.00 (+ VAT if due)

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Sizes: 37.5×33.7x9h cm
Made in: Italy

Here is the kit for the best mixology tasting. The NIO Experience Box includes every detail: your customizable choice of 6 NIO Cocktails, 2 tumblers and the exclusive XL ice cube tray.

Brand: NIO Cocktails

“Right of withdrawal does not apply” (as per Art. 8.4 Terms and Conditions)


NIO’s exclusive Experience BOX is the definitive solution that includes everything you need to enjoy bar-quality cocktails outside of a bar.
We have restyled this best seller with a cleaner look, smaller size and enriched contents to enjoy on line va QR Code: tips & trick by Patrick Pistolesi.

The box includes:
– A selection of 6 cocktails.
– 2 custom-designed NIO Cocktails tumblers, made in Italy and perfect for every cocktail
– 1 ice cube mould, designed to create 4 XL 4 ice cubes

Sizes: 37.5×33.7x9h cm
Weight: 2.1kg

“Right of withdrawal does not apply” (as per Art. 8.4 Terms and Conditions)

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